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6 week classes, $299
Beginning Screenwriting
Intermediate Screenwriting
Advanced Screenwriting
Beginning Playwriting
Intermediate Playwriting
Advanced Playwriting
I, Aye, Eye: A Walk in Nature with Emerson
This class combines literature, nature, and self-reflection. We will read from Emerson’s essay, Nature, walk in the woods, & then come together to share our experiences. Both Emerson and Nature promise a shift in perspective and just possibly a transcendental experience. READ MORE...
Deep Ethics: Winter Reflections on Thoreau and Emerson
In this class, we will learn more about Thoreau’s and Emerson’s personal lives and reflect on our own in light of a selection of their writings and our own experience walking in the woods. READ MORE...
Becoming a Sugar Maple: Philosophical & Social Consciousness of Sugar Mapling in Emerson & Thoreau
In this class, we will begin by exploring the meaning of Thoreau’s words in the Barn and then take to the woods for a walk. We will return to the Barn to reflect on what was perhaps the first stirring of the food justice movement in Emerson. Is this what it means to become “as vigorous as a sugar maple”? READ MORE...
Ripeness of Vision: Autumn Through Thoreau's Eyes and Our Own
In this class we will begin indoors reading Thoreau's essay "October, or Autumnal Tints" and reflect on his observations that are as rich and colorful as the leaves themselves. We will then walk as though with Thoreau through the woods, learning from his keen powers of observation and acute sensory experiences how to see autumn through our own eyes as if for the first time. READ MORE...
Readings and Reflections on A Winter Walk by Henry David Thoreau
Ipswich River mirrors Walden Pond in this indoor/outdoor class led by Nancy Haverington. We will learn more about Thoreau’s life and time spent at his cabin in the woods, and read from Thoreau’s “A Winter Walk." Then we’ll take a walk in the woods to experience nature’s inspiration before returning to the warmth of the woodstove in the Barn to share our observations and reflections. READ MORE...
Reading and Reflections on “Spring” in Henry David Thoreau’s Walden
This interactive workshop will begin with a brief introduction to the life of Henry David Thoreau. We will then read passages from Thoreau’s chapter, “Spring” and reflect on the mysteries of nature to cultivate an appreciation for the wild. After a short walk in the woods to contemplate the unfathomable wild, we will gather again indoors to share our reflections and observations. READ MORE...
The Unfathomable Wild: Reflections on “Spring” in Thoreau’s Walden
In previous workshops we have walked in nature to sharpen our senses and raise our awareness of what we see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. In this workshop, we will read from Thoreau’s chapter, “Spring” and reflect on the mysteries of nature to cultivate an appreciation for the wild. We will walk in the woods and contemplate the unfathomable wild. When we return to the barn, we will ask, what is the value of the wild? READ MORE...